Just another not-so-manic Monday. I was trying to rhyme with the rest of the song, but it got to be trying and tedious, so I quit. As usual, a day full of weekly reports and batchwork.
Try this out for a fun at work...Discuss at length exactly what 'nits' are, better yet even look them up an show co-workers. Next, see how long it takes for everyone to get the eebie jeebies and phantom bugy itchies.
It has been raining all weekend, wonderful, glorious rain that we so badly need. The backyard is 'springing' to life. I sure do wish I like yard work, but I don't. I just want to enjoy the finished product. I think maybe if there wasn't so much to be done, I wouldn't mind, perhaps even enjoy, the occasional project. But, there is just too much icky stuff.
For some strange reason, every time it rains after a dry spell, all the slugs make a mass exodus for our outdoor carpeted deck. They all appear to be headed for the back door, I can't figure it out. I have to go around collecting the little immigrants in a disposable cup and deporting them back farther out in the yard. They come in all different sizes and patterns. I'll have to post the picture I took last night of the crop I gathered from yesterday evenings rain. I stepped outside in my fuzzy socks with Lexie in my arms to show her the pouring rain. The sound really is quite impressive with the corrugated plastic deck cover. Well, I can tell you that the sound of a popping slug body sure sounds like you would imagine the sound of a popping eyeball squashing it with a rubber mallet, if one were to take the time to imagine such things. And in socks, it is a not so pleasantly cool instant wet spot on the bottom of one's foot. This prompted the immediate deportation of my little Limax Maximus friends. Then Daddy put a pop can with roses lime juice in the yard. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.
Uranus was named after a Greek God.
Word(s) of the day: PROBOSCIS
Lexie log: This was a nice longer than ususal weekend. Friday, my dental cleaning went very well.
The periodontist mentioned that his mother sees one of the doctors here at the clinic. We talked at length about dental/gum care. The mouth is an amazing thing. He was even able to tell what side I sleep on just from looking in my mouth. We talked about how Lexie should get sealants, even on her baby teeth. It didn't take too much to convince me. His kids, now 27 and 28, have never had a cavity. Lexie already loves to brush her teeth. Well, more like she loves me to brush her teeth with the Braun electric. Still good though. -- After breakfast Friday, we took a nap, then went to the zoo. Even though it was a weekday, it was still packed with kids because of Spring Break. She had a blast. For the most part, we let her run on her own. She was pretty good about holding our hand until she became too excited. After a while, it was just like Newport Aquarium, she was just running to run and didn't care about the exhibits anymore. Unfortunately, she was just a little too short to go on the Sponge Bob ride. At one point I got her some fruit Mentos from a candy machine and she held fast onto those. Even if she had one in her mouth, she had one tightly grasped in her hand. When she finally took a spill on the concrete, she refused to let loose the Mento grasped in her hand and came out of it with a scraped up pinky knuckle. Mommy kissed it better multiple times over the weekend. She is not willing to have a bandaid stuck on her however. -- Friday night she got in trouble because we walked in on her trying to remove Charlie from his tank. He was thoroughly terrified. Lexie was so hurt and cried when we tried to explain that she was hurting him. It was so cute and sad. She just wanted to play with him. -- Saturday we phone ordered Stanford's for lunch and had curbside pickup all on a gift card from Grammy and Grampa. It was delicious. Then, at 3:00 we went to our gym where they were having an Easter egg hunt. Lexie was wonderful again at this. She was one of the first kids to get five eggs, and I only had to point out one or two. Lots of candy, jelly beans, later she had quite the sugar high. We rented a couple of movies from Blockbuster. We had to take Tigger's movie back the next day, it was so scratched up it wouldn't play through. She did enjoy the Wiggle's movie, but I think there was too much uninteresting stuff between the songs and dancing for her liking. We couldn't find any Boobah DVD's or we would have gotten one of those. -- Sunday was a stay at home and watch the rain Easter. We watched a couple college basketball games. For some reason any game with a ball Lexie calls baseball. I think it must be because she first started trying to learn words during baseball season. We went and exchanged the faulty Tigger movie with 'The Little Polar Bear'. She sure does love that kiddy sleeper. The artwork looks very familiar to her favorite, Harold and the Purple crayon. So, she already has artistic preferences. Oh, well, I guess she also prefers the cool colored crayons. Sunday evening Lexie and I sat on the floor of her room and put together an alphabet puzzle. The letters are still a little for her to orient in the puzzle than objects like cars or hats. Great weekend. We need to get Lexie some rain gear so we go puddle stomping.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, rain, green grass, dusk light, butterflies, flowers, slugs- I guess, Easter, and potatoes.
Monday, March 28, 2005
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