Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Mmmm, Mmmm, soup is good food.

Mmmm, Campbell's chicken noodle soup for lunch. I have an annoying hang nail on my right index finger that was driving me nuts...Now the bandaid is making me fussy. It is a lovely Elmo bandaid, but it makes typing weird and sorting through papers is odd. Inconsequential info about moi.

The pool at the gym has been drained.

Wow! I just found out that today is National Goof Off Day! Woohoo!

Word(s) of the day: LOOFAH

Lexie log: Last night we had a blast dancing in the bedroom. We turn the radio on really loud and Lexie dances on the bed, and we dance around. Daddy and Lexie did the best karate dance ever. Daddy danced around making fake karate chops until he stops half a foot in front of her, and then she fakes getting hit and falls to the bed laughing hard. It was soo fun and fun to watch. Daddy actually broke out in a sweat they played so hard. -- Grammy and I started the digital to VHS project. We numbered all the tapes (all 15 of them!), and started a spreadsheet to keep track of number, contents, and approx date. We watched three (of 15!), and it shouldn't take too many more to get them organized. The time consuming part will be to actually copy them to VHS, also while keeping Lexie from turning the power off. It was really neat to fast forward through them though. Little treasures.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, prayer, soup, sponge fruit, silk, and teeth.

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