Friday, April 01, 2005

Any which way but loose..

This is Paula J at the office typing Rachel's blog for today. Unfortunately, Rachel has taken seriously ill and will be out of the office until her condition improves. This blog must be very important to her however, as she left me explicit instructions to not miss a day. Who is Pookyzoo anyway? She showed me how to get to this website, gave me her login, and some insanely detailed instruction on material. She assured me that if it seems that the illness will keep her out any longer than a week, she will see what she can do to get a laptop at the hospital. As it is, she will continue to dictate the general idea for content to me during our phone chats. We spoke on the phone earlier today, and she is improving all the time. We discussed the Pope's grave condition and the Terry Schaivo situation. We are all interested in how an autopsy can show if a human is in a vegatative state when they were alive.

Word(s) of the day: SUBTERFUGE

Whatever that means.

Alexis' log: Rachel said that Alexis' cold is still the same. She is still the same adorable little angel crossed with mischief. She said that last night, they all sat around the hospital bed and watched PAX show a special on a national dog show competition with obstacle courses, high jumps, and diving. She told me that she would really like to have a Border Collie or Malamute someday, and that her husband would prefer a Jack Russel Terrier. Alexis really doesn't care, she just wants a dog. Last night was the first night in a very long time that she didn't get to have her daily bath. I went to visit them last night after she was admitted, and they all seemed to look fairly relaxed and like a loving family should be. Alexis was probably more excited about the new environment than anything.

Today Rachel is grateful for her husband and her daughter, vanilla, pillows, pudding, her family, and a good April fools laugh.


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