Those are the lyrics to Lexie's favorite commercial for Vonage, also a commercial for Chevy Cobalt, and a song on the soundtrack of Kill Bill vol. 1. The band is the's. Catchy little tune.
This morning I was so frustrated by Marylue, the accountant. I'm a bit frazzled and drained, not worried mind you, just heightened sensitivity due to Dad's IP hospital stay last night. Really I'm fine, and no one would notice a difference in me, except.... Well, Marylue has quite a volume to her voice, and she loves to come out, sit in Val's chair, and tell stories of the utmost details of what's going on in her life. Now, I sit on the other side of the cube wall from Val, but it is next to impossible not to be engulfed in her orations. Today she decided to tell depressing and detailed details of her brother's recent unfortunate setbacks and crisis with his cancer treatment. The problem I had with this, is she just sounds so fatalistic and yet jaunty when she talks, like she doesn't even care. She rarely shows any emotion in her conversational voice, except for shock. I even turned my audio book volume up to try to tune her out, but she still came through loud and clear. Finally TT went over and politely asked that she lower her conversation voice so that the whole office didn't have to share her fascinating personal life.
Over that now...
Word(s) of the day: ENCHANTMENT
I hope Mom gets her MP3 player working again soon. Dad's feeling better and should go home any hour now. I love his cheerful attitude.
Lexie log: She never took a nap (that I know of) yesterday. I have never seen her so extremely cranky and fussy. Nothing suited her, she basically wanted to drag either of us around the house and cry. She came really close to a time out, but I don't really know if time outs are appropriate for over-tired toddlers who can't even understand why they are acting out, let alone communicate it. So, Daddy let me retire early, while he stayed up until who know when with the little monsterette. Next thing I know, she is in between us begging for water. Now that's something fairly new that I'm thinking is an improved habit. Instead of waking for milk in the middle of the night, she is asking for water. I'm loving that! -- Something else I'm enjoying is her responsible behavior in public, like at the store. We went to Safeway last night, and for the first time I can remember, she walked around with us, not in the cart, not holding hands. It was actually fun. She would look at all the packaging and count and talk to the pictures on the products. Then if we would move along, she would either just come along with us, or saying her name once got her to catch up with us. I very much enjoyed the experience. She's so awesome! I'm going to look for a video that emphasizes music and dancing for her. She loves the nursery rhyme one so much, and the wiggles skits also. She is very ready for interactive dance video. I just made that term up, because I can't think of what to call what I'm thinking of.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, slippers, urologist guy, Mom and Dad (aka Grandad and Grammy), Gramma Betty, weird entertaining dreams, weekends, naps, laughter, humor, the present moment, and everything else I'm not displeased with.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
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