Monday, April 18, 2005

Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more no more, no more, no more. Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more.

Excellent weekend. Lots of needed rain. Highlights to follow in Lexie's log. Monday is going by rather swiftly. We still need to plant the Wisteria. We keep saying we'll do it on the weekend, but it never happens. I hate talking about food. How is this for a nice stream of conscious writing exercise? Well, now I'm trying to think of something else to write about. The ex contacted my parents after however many years. Wish he'd stop doing that, I think it might actual be disturbing to them. I don't even want to waste the breath telling Frank, because he might just turn it into something to worry about. What a pain, I wish he would have just stayed a distant memory. Oh well, maybe this time when no one calls him back, he'll get the picture.

They just passed out the latest employee appreciation ballot for our department. What a strange thing, I'm not even sure why they do it anymore. It's not that it's fixed or anything, it's just that there are some people in our department that will never get the exposure to the rest of the clinic employees who all vote. So, Val, who has been here forever and two days, get voted frequently. She is very outgoing and knows very many people here. Lana got it last time, she had just come up here from another department downstairs and got lots of exposure to people. The other person I saw get it was Gina, another one who's position forces her to interact with the rest of the clinic. This time I bet money on Jan. She just came up here from new patient registration, and she knows a ton of clinic staff. Well, how about the other hard workers, like KC, Debbie P, Scott, Carrie, or TT? Here's to you guys!

Saw Dad this weekend for the first time since the whole ER/ hospital thing. Glad to see him looking well and in excellent spirits. Also glad he is taking it easy and letting others do the lifting.

Word(s) of the day: BLUDGEON

Lexie log: Where to begin? Let's see...This morning she got up with me and followed me around half asleep, in her oversized white Baruka with messy hair, half-open eyes, holding pink puppy, and shuffling about after me. When I was ready to go I had extra time, so we sat on the couch and she explained to me in detail something about a train and a truck. Unfortunately for me the detail part wasn't quite understandable. She did ask me where I was going and when I would be coming back. After about 15 minutes of this, I took her back to bed and she cried as I left the house. Once again, I don't know how I do it. This weekend was very pleasant. Saturday, we were supposed to get the oil changed, but when that was cancelled, we went over to Gramma Betty's. Lex had a blast playing with Gramma and Yancy while we went and got lunch and then went to Walgreen's for a toy. The first time we left, she didn't even notice we were gone, but the second time, she did ask where we went. Gramma's neighbor Jay's daughter Jesse gave Lexie a flashing lightup necklace that is too difficult to describe. When we got back home, we took a family nap. Sunday we all woke up earlyish (8:00am for a Sunday is early enough) and went to Grammy's house to visit Grammy, Grandad and Great Uncle Fred who is down from Alaska on business. Fred and Lexie got along wonderfully. We all hiked the trails on the property, Lexie had fun on the treadmill, playing the piano/synthesizer, and watching cartoons on the couch with Fred. Then we drove into Yamhill to eat lunch at Zippy's. The place was absolutely empty, which was wonderful since they didn't mind Lexie running all over the place. Great lunch, great company. Then we parted ways and went home for the evening. Lexie watched Garfield, then we all watched the Incredibles again, then time for bed. Ahhhh, weekends!

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, audio books, water, purple forks, the plastics industry, weekends, and laughter.

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