Monday, April 11, 2005

You say potato, I say potatoe. Let's call the whole thing off.

Another Monday on the frontlines. Reports are almost done, and my work didn't complete itself over the weekend as I had hoped.

Word(s) of the day: PIPERACEAE

I'm a little too irritable and edgy to submit a decent blog entry today. And, my lunch made me uncomfortably warm. I know, I know...Biznitch, biznitch, biznitch. Why don't I give it a rest?!

Lexie log: This weekend was great. Saturday we took Lex to a park close by and fed the geese and ducks all our bread ends. It was a blast. At first she was leery of the loud white birds that stood as tall as her, but after a while she couldn't stop smiling and laughing. She would only run from them if they would hiss at her, and a couple nipped at her shirt and pants. We took lots of pics, but haven't checked them out yet. Sunday, Grammy and Grandad came down at noon so that Grandad could check out the leaky sink and Grammy could spend time with Lexie and me. Daddy and Grandad spent the better part of the day fixing the sink, while Grammy, Lexie and I played with the super bubble machine in the back yard, went to return movies, visited the "Just a Buck" store, got gas, and picked up Taco Bell for lunch. Lexie is starting on a two bath a day habit. We are trying to figure how to be more strict on this, but haven't gotten there yet. Lex didn't fall asleep for her 1:00 nap until 5:00. Daddy let me go to bed early and stayed up with her.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, fresh air, cats, family, potatoes and all things starchy (well, I guess I'm not really grateful for that as it does cause me no end of grief, but anyway), parks, and happiness.

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