Damn Old Navy and their new ad campaign. Bust a move.
Odd commute fact: It takes me 20 minutes to get to work in the morning. It takes me 45 minutes to an hour to get home.
Some days instead of listening to my audio book on the way to work, I reflect on the recent past or plan the future. This morning I was thinking about work yesterday, and one thing made me laugh out loud...Again. I figure if it can get a good laugh out of me twice, it's worth an entry........
....There are a couple of us at work that have a love for amusement park thrill rides. A couple that stand out in my memory are Batman-the ride at Six Flags Great America, and Freefall at Six Flags Magic Mountain. I spent a few of my childhood years living in the bay area, a couple miles from Great America, and a hop skip and a jump from multiple other amusement parks. Of course there's the multiple fair rides like the Zipper and the Gravitron. So, we (all seven intelligent women) are talking about our favorite rides, and Scott, the only man in the department walks up. He begins to describe this ride he likes where you walk into a circular room, stand up against the wall, the door shuts and the room starts to spin...Now here is the kicker...He says that they then, "...Turn on a static electric field of energy that holds you to the wall as the floor drops out from below..." What? So, now my jaw dropped, and I had to turn around and walk away. Seconds passed and dumbfounded shock became hysterical laughter. Then to top it off Jan, who is milking this for all it's worth, is over there fueling the fire by asking him all kinds of 'serious' questions about this amazing technology. Later I anonymously put a print out on Scott's desk explains the role of centrifugal force in all of this. Oh, but what a laugh I had at this. Scott is worth his weight in gold for all the picking on him I do. He is a member of the Liberal Party with a wealth of government related conspiracy theories. The other male who works closely in our office is the 25 year old, pony tailed, Trey Arrow look-a-like, uber-geek, network admin, member of the Green Party, who always has a quirky little grin on his face and who also likes to hover about silently way after there is nothing left to say. Then there is Jeff, the office admin who over thinks every little detail and is project happy. For the most part a great boss, but we all have our quirks.
Word(s) of the day: LANSINAR MORPHING DISK
Lexie log: Lexie talked to Grammy on the phone last night. She watched Troll in Central Park while Grammy watched the season finale of CSI. It was pretty cute. First she came to me and asked me for some banana. I gave her the last bit of banana and she ran off to eat it watching her movie. Then she came back and asked for more. I asked her if she wanted more banana and she said no, she didn't want it. I asked her if she wanted milk, "No, I don't want it," was her response. Then, on a whim, I asked her if she wanted to call Grammy. This got a great response. She went for the phone chanting, "Grammy, Grammy." This is great since just the other night when Grammy called to talk to her, she turned into Tyrannosaurus Lex and had a fit. Apparently she was really into the movie Garfield and wouldn't even let me come in the living room with the phone. Last night she wanted Grammy to watch with her over the phone. After a while, Grammy hung up, obviously not getting the point that Lexie feels they are still hanging out, even if it's just over the phone, no talking. So, Lexie brings me back the phone with that obnoxious beeping alerting me to hang up the darned phone. I called Grammy back, thinking that Lex had hung up on her, and they watched there respective boob tube preferences, as Daddy and I watched ours. Daddy and I watched the Apprentice finale flipping over to SmackDown during commercials. Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. JBL, and the taunting of John Cena. Wow, just typing this all makes me realize what trashy T.V. we watch on Thursdays. Thursdays are crap day for TV. If there isn't anything good on OPB, then it's yucky. Shows we watch; LOST, 24, House, The Contender, Joey, Northwest Backroads, Antique Roadshow, Austin City Limits, Globe Trekker, Oregon Field Guide, and Nature. Lexie's shows; Clifford, Seasame Street, Between the Lions, Teletubbies, George Shrinks, Barney, ZOOM, and others. I realized this makes it look like we watch a lot of TV. We do play and walk and read go out and do stuff more during nice weather. Ok, enough justification.
Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, sunny weather, Swiss cheese, azaleas, AirWalk shoes, plastic utensils ( I almost typed 'plastic silverware' and then thought better of it), and laughter.