Thursday, May 19, 2005

I'm just a little black rain cloud...

Wow did we have a torrential downpour a little over an hour ago. It's what my used-to-be-stepmother would call a 'frog strangler'. With my 2nd floor window seat, it's fun to watch how people (pedestrians) react.

I wish someone would invent a mouse clicker that didn't actually make the clicking noise.

Yesterday, I missed mentioning that it was Frank and my three year and four month anniversary. I'm not sure that there has been more than a couple times that Frank doesn't wish me a happy anniversary on the 18th of every month. I prepared a special mac -n- chili dinner. The night before, Frank made up a couple of his should-be-famous sandwiches. Orowheat Health nut bread, mayonnaise, cream cheese, fried egg, deli sliced pepper turkey, and a slice of Colby-jack. The completed sandwich is warmed to perfection in the microwave. This is just one version of his awesome sandwich creations. I wish we could open up a sandwich shop.

Yesterday was also the 25th anniversary of Mt. St. Helen's erupting. Frank watched from N.E. Portland, but I was still in transit from Iowa, so I missed the show and the ash. Mt. St. Helens
I actually hiked to the summit/crater edge back in the late 80's. Hiked with my mom and dad, aunt Chris, uncle Steve, and Inga. The edge was really, "the edge". Just a narrow strip of flat. One wrong step to the left or right and you either tumble down the mountain side or into the crater.

Word(s) of the day: MITIGATE

Lexie log: Last night she didn't go down for a nap until around 7:00pm and by the time she was waking up, we were already in bed. She was not happy about this, but she did eventually go back to sleep. I wonder how early she got up this morning. She fell asleep on the living room floor. Kind of like the Dupont Stainmaster carpet commercial...Except that we have no carpet. -- I set up her next well care appointment for July 19th. Taking the whole day off, and if we don't think of anything else to do, I'll bring her by the office and try the workplace visit once again. Maybe it will go better if I'm with her from the get go, and we do it when she doesn't need a nap. We shall see.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, TV's LOST, covered deck, Purell, headlights, Macaroni, penguins, meteorology, Maraqua, and rocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, when St. Helens went off, we were still living in Palo Alto, on Gailen. I remember Fred and Rosemary visiting and Fred's car was still covered with St. Helens ash. (We went to Iowa that fall.)

And that picture of us sitting on the lip of St. Helens' crater? If you look closely, you'll notice that, terrified of the precipice, I was facing the other way, not evening willing to actually sit on the ground. But the nectarine was good and took my mind off my certainty that death was only seconds away (in those days I was still a tad agoraphobic and the adrenaline was really pumping).
