Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Every day, one of the duties of my job is to talk to people who have made the mistake of thinking their insurance company will do one thing, then they turn around and do something else. So...Naturally I presume that I am educated enough to avoid this hazard. NOT! After all the calls I get where a patient is frustrated, angry, upset, confused, because their insurance didn't pay for something, or didn't pay as much as they expected, I thought I was diligent and researched the pharmacy benefits for mail order prescription. They charged me $40.00 more than I read in the benefits booklet it would cost for my prescription. When I go back to read the benefits online, the page won't load, and when I call they wont even be open for another hour and a half. Now, my checking account overdrafted $37.51 and then I got a $28.00 overdraft fee. I haven't even had the account a whole year yet! On top of that, now after we pay our car payment we will only have $26.00 for the next week an a half. If I at least wouldn't have transferred double the rent, the money would have been in there before Monday, and I wouldn't have gotten the $28.00 fee. I wanted to pay the car insurance on this paycheck, guess not. The kicker of it all, is that everyone keep praising that April has three payday Fridays, while most months only have two. I was actually daft enough to feel a little excited myself. Why on earth does anybody get excited about three paycheck in a month? Bizarre. Anywho, after three wonderful months of not having to worry from paycheck to paycheck about finances, our Federal tax refund is now spent and we are back to the tennis match. As families have said throughout all time, " least we still have each other..."

The above sob story combined with my fears that Felix, our 15 year old cat, is getting sickly have been a great platform for me to launch off into self-pity. Woe is me. I just called our old vet and found out that Felix is 15years 29days old. We missed his birthday. The biggest, and maybe only, pitfall of having so many pets is that it is impossible to be able to afford their vet care. Then I took this age expectancy quiz and found that at current rate my life expectancy is 63! Too many chores, too little energy, too many fears, too little finance, yada yada yada. I really have to shake this. Ok, now, grab strap and hold on.

Word(s) of the day: LEDERHOSEN

Lexie log: Immediately when I got home, Lex was running circles around me, hugging my legs, grabbing my hand, pulling me and saying, "Come on Mommy. Come on." She wasn't even really taking me anywhere specific, she just wanted us to go somewhere. She had little mini tantrums as I went about 'landing' from work and changing into Mommy clothes. She still doesn't have much of a grasp on patience and assumes that if you aren't doing what she's asking right that very moment, you have refused her and all is lost. 'Just a minute', 'I'm coming', 'Hold on', 'A little bit later', all mean 'NO!' to her. She was literally hanging on to the seat of my pants as I walked through the house to put my purse down, put stuff away, get changed, etc. She even linoleum skied behind me as I walked up the hall. Halfway down the hall she let loose, fell to her knees and wailed. Finally we made it out the front door to wander, her favorite activity. I'm gaining a new appreciation for it through her eyes. We walked around the court and finally I got up the courage to check out the house opposite ours that is vacant and for sale. The sellers have been doing a lot of yard work in the front and the back, and well...I'm just plain nosey and explorative. We went through the chain link gate (after Lexie attempted to climb it, just because she is in a climbing phase), and explored the mirror image back yard of our own. We explored the vacant yard for about 15-20 minutes, then headed back to our own. At some point she had encounter with a Prickly Lettuce weed and now has a ring of prickles on her shin that is tender to the touch. Back on our own turf I refilled our three hummingbird feeders, while Lexie spent some quality time demolishing the copious gossamer balls of pappus that dominant our patch of grass. Then it was off to the store for some soup, and off to sleep for her. Nothing better than a short trip to Safeway to cinch the deal on a good two hour nap. -- Lexie is very picky about what form she will eat most meats in. She still flat refuses any fish we have given her, she takes chicken in about any fashion, but pork and beef are tricky. She really likes hot dogs and lunch meat, but we stopped eating both ever since we learned how unhealthy they can be. She like hamburgers from McDonalds and they are super cheap, but greasy and I suppose unhealthy as well. I thought she might like to try some Campell's Chunky beef sirloin soup. Nope! I left out mostly all the soup part, and just left the meat and vegetables, and she wouldn't touch it. For dinner she ate a sandwich Daddy made her after she refused my choice. His sandwich was pretty excellent though. Oroweat HealthNut bread (crust removed ala Daddy), a little mayo, slice of cheese and pepper ham sliced deli fresh from our earlier Safeway trip. Heated for 15 seconds and Voila'! She loved it. No veggies though. -- Lexie has always been a bit of a climber, and now she is on a climbing spree. Monday she tried to climb our backyard fence (Grammy eyewitness), every time we are in the kitchen she is trying to climb the cupboards to get to the sink or on the counter, she tries to use the closed drawers as ladder rungs, and yesterday afternoon she tried to scale the neighbors chain link fence. Monkey girl.

Blog bibliography:


Life Expectancy

Rock Creek Vet (Dr. Tsui is awesome)

Prickly Lettuce

Today I'm grateful for Felix, Frank and Lexie, felines, very strong dark French roast coffee with sweetener and mocha mix, starlings and pigeons, Aunt Christine and her food and heating pads, eggs, Mexican food, and Love.

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