Monday, October 24, 2005
Interesting start to the day…I stuck in a CD that my friend Michelle gave me last night, and the first thing Mr. Tesh is speaking about is making sure you get adequate sleep each night. This is a big thing for me lately. I am having difficulties with making time to work out/swim each day and still get enough sleep. Going for the balance thing. I may try three days a week and see if that helps. To get up at four AM, and get enough sleep, I need to go to bed at 8:00 PM! That’s four hours after I get home from work! Lexie usually ends up napping a couple times a week during that time. With making dinner, etc. I hardly get to see her let alone Frank. This should be interesting. I wonder, how many people do truly get 7-8 hours of sleep most nights. – Another thing ol’ John Teshy boy had to say was that drinking one or more cups of coffee in the morning helps against depression. So, I go to make my morning cup of coffee, and as I’m pouring the piping hot water over the grounds, the cup slips spilling hot water and fine, fine, coffee grounds all over the spare desk and cubicle wall. This causes a huge anti-depressant effect on Kathie, as she continuously chuckles and brings over a roll of paper towels commences her valiant endeavor to aid in my disaster relief clean up. I blame stiff muscles from biking and bowling for my clumsiness.
Word(s) of the day: KLUTZ
Mini Meltdown Moment: One of the most enjoyable parts of the weekend was bowling, but the only piece that didn’t go so well, for me anyway, was a mini panic attack I had when I attempted to help Lexie bowl her turn. Dana helped her with the first one, and he did fine. I went up there and had a panic attack. I didn’t know how to have her hold the ball, I was nervous about dropping it on her feet, and ended up pretty much dropping the ball. This frustrated her, and the ball stopped. I didn’t know whether I was supposed to walk down the lane and get it, I was nervous about Lexie going after it, and suddenly all I could hear was my heartbeat, and like a small voltage of current was humming through my body. I think I actually left her standing there to get someone to go help her. I get flustered now even thinking of it. The rest of the next few moments were a blur as I was mortified that people were noticing that I was falling apart or having a meltdown, and I remember a couple people, including Frank asking what was wrong. Luckily, it didn’t last too long, and I’m thinking it was probably much longer and far more momentous to myself than anyone else. Needless to say that was the last time I was her bowling coach. Maybe next time.
Lexie log: Another fast paced, fun filled weekend. Saturday we slept in till 10:00am. That was nice. Then we loaded the bikes and the Burley on the car and headed for Marine drive. It was such a gorgeous day, much warmer than we expected. Lexie was a bit ready for a nap by the time we got there, and I am still physically out of shape, so the bike trip only ended up being about five miles round trip. Very easy path, beautiful weather and view. At the turn around point I showed Lexie her first grasshopper, and it was adorable to watch her try to catch/pet it. After the ride we walked down to the water and Lexie played in the sand and threw rocks as we admired the view and boats. Next we went to Gramma Betty’s for about an hour. Lexie laughed as Pete and Yancy chased each other around the living room. She fell asleep in the car shortly before we got home, so we let her sleep in her car seat as we unloaded bikes etc. and got swim suits. At six PM we were in the pool at her Children of the Sea swim school splashing around on Saturday Night Splash. It’s there open swim of sorts. It’s cheaper than any park district that we don’t fall within at only $2.50 a piece for two hours. That’s pretty good. Of course it was free for us that night because we got a coupon when Lexie was enrolled for one free Saturday Night Splash. Overall we had a great time, but we did realize something…Just as the saying goes, “Too many cooks in the kitchen” we had too many parental instructors in the pool. We spent the first half hour clashing over trying to get her to do the things ‘we’ felt she could use some help with in lessons. And, of course, Daddy and Momma have different ‘teaching’ styles. As soon as we realized that this was not effective, and basically frustrating for all of us, we just relaxed and took turns with her, not instructing any more, just letting her have fun in the water. She loved the slide, actually put her whole face in the water a couple times. There was another three year girl there who has been taking lessons for a year and her parents have her enrolled in two classes a week, and she hardly ever took her head out of the water. The dad told us that once Lexie crosses the barrier where she is no longer nervous with her head being under water, that we will see a dramatic difference. The only way I could convince Lexie to get out of the pool was for her customary post lesson cookie from the front desk. – I really do believe we noticed a difference on Sunday at her lesson. I was more relaxed, and she did jump out to teacher AJ without having to hold his hands, something we played at the night before. She has made such a big improvement. I really need to get on the ball and organize and transfer our videos (I guess between 4 – 8 in my spare time LOL), because there were so many things this weekend that would have been great to video. – After swim we raced home to clean up the house as plans had changed and we were thinking we would have our dinner at our place. So, Lexie sat in a diaper in her high chair eating apple sauce cereal as Daddy ran around and vacuumed the whole house and deck and I picked up and Windexed most of the milk and fingerprints and cleaned up a bit. I think Lexie got a kick out of watching us whirlwind around the house. When I did get her down to get her dressed, she was noticeably concerned about where I had decided to put away her toys, and wasn’t pleased that Winnie the Pooh and Piglet were without Tigger (although) she didn’t seem to notice Eyore missing. We got Lexie re-dressed and headed to Sunset Lanes and bowled. Wow that was a blast (minus my initial nervousness). Lexie loved it. As soon as the ball left her hands down the lane, she turned around and yelled, “I did it! I did it!” and came for a round of high-fives. We had to remind her to turn around and check out how many pins her ball would hit. Michelle, Mike Tracy, Frank and I played on one lane, and Sierra, Lucas, Lexie, and Dana played on the next one. Lexie scored 110! Her and Lucas were done after the first game, and the rest of us played a second. Daddy got a 99, and I an 88. I won’t go into details about who ended up playing with bumpers. I can’t get over how cute Lexie’s bowling shoes were. She used a eight pound ball. She loved the whole thing, especially playing with Lucas. After bowling we went to dinner at Nona Emelia’s. Haven’t been there in ages. Lexie sat between Auntie Tracy and Auntie Michelle and ate pizza and drank chocolate milk. She had a wonderful time. In the parking lot afterwards, she was too tired to socialize anymore, so she gave a round of hugs and told me she wanted in the car. She almost forgot Lucas who was behind Mike and Michelle’s truck. I asked her if she was going to give Lucas a hug, and the two of them ran across the parking lot towards each other and embraced like something out of the movies. After a moment, Lucas backs off and says, “Ok, enough”. Lexie climbed into her car seat and read a book as the adult socialized. Shortly before we left, Lucas climbed into our car and grabbed a fake rose that we had laying on the floorboard and gave it to Lexie. Oh, these precious moments carry me through the day. – Saturday night after swimming, Lexie came home and tucked all her favorite toys into her bed and then proceeded to fall asleep on the living room couch. Last night after bowling and a bath, the went into her room and did the tucking in ritual again. When she is done, she tells them goodnight, turns off the light and shuts the door. The next we saw, she was face down falling asleep on the living room floor, so we decided to check on her animals in her bed. No sooner had we walked into the room and turned on the light when she jumped from the floor yelling at us not to disturb her ‘babies’. She had removed each and every animal/doll from the night before and very carefully tucked in only Bluedog. It was so cute, but I didn’t get a picture. She chased us out of the room, turned out the lights, shut the door, and went back into the living room and fell asleep.
Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, fun weekends with family and friends, bowling with Tracy, Dana, Mike, Michelle, Lucas and Sierra, coffee, precious moments, and hugs.