Thursday, September 15, 2005

And tell me, did Venus blow your mind, Was it everything you wanted to find, And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there...

Oh my God do I wish we had a tent trailer now.  Sounds like so much fun to go winter camping with Michelle, Mike, Tracy and Dana.  My new wish list:  Akita (preferably Shepard colored or black), tent trailer, target $7.00 tiny purse, to become pregnant in the next year, winter boots and clothes for Lexie, more PowerTouch books for Lexie, a massage chair, swimming lessons for Lexie, coder training, a rock tumbler for Frank, a portable cutting board with a built in cheese/salami slicer, and a Vitamix.  

Frank is going to make a mobile from some of the smaller driftwood pieces we’ve collected over the years.  I think it might even be great over by what I call the ‘aviary’ area of our yard with the arbor.  When he was talking about it last night it gave me the idea of making a wind chime using a piece of driftwood for the hanging base, and then maybe some thing, smooth, (using a tumbler) rocks as the chimes.  I wonder how hard it would be to successfully drill tiny holes in the rocks.  Well, there’s a project.

I was going to stay a half hour later at work and follow Jan to Costco and get executive cards (She was going to front our half of the annual fee), but apparently her dental appointment didn’t go so well, so she didn’t show up for work today.  The extra half hour was supposed to help towards the three hours I’ll miss tomorrow since the Cerner Prism meeting in Tigard doesn’t last a full eight hours.  Then on top of it, I was late because of traffic and random tardiness.  Never a full paycheck.  What is the dealio with that!?

Word(s) of the day:  SMITHEREENS

Lexie log:  We ran and ran around Albertson’s last night.  She was just tickled to be chased around the aisle.  I don’t even feel silly about it.  Puts a smile on people’s faces.  Just hearing her giggle is worth it.  --  She’s getting over the nightmare thing.  I mean, really, she’s had bad dreams before, but this was a doozy.  Grammy even offered to come over after work to assure Lex everything is ok, but I think she can wait until Sunday.  Yes, Sunday we will actually make her first visit to Enchanted Forest.  Sooo excited.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, Detroit Lake, water, pineapple, plants, coupons, rainbows, friends, cats, future dog, future baby, and twinkle toes.

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