I miss Felix the cat. I think of him every day, and today I am just more melancholy for his head bumps, purrs, and love. Ok, camping trip starts in two and a half hours! I just opened a fortune cookie and the fortune reads, “You are given the chance to take part in an exciting adventure.” How polite that I be given the chance instead of just having no choice but to take part. I wonder…Does the fortune still come true even if you don’t eat the cookie? What if I give the cookie to someone else? I don’t like fortune cookies; they just don’t do anything for me. -- New feature to Blog is a word editor. So far I love it! I was beginning to have many problems, both in Mozilla and IE with not being able to complete an open post. This gives me so much more freedom. I was actually searching for the download to prevent ad spam comments. Every so often I am deluged with them, and it’s quite annoying. -- We stayed up past midnight last night packing the car for the trip. -- Prayer for Jan’s Auntie. -- Yesterday I got email from the Hood to Coast people thanking me for volunteering for the 2005 relay and he/she said that the 400 team limit for walkers is never full in October so we should be all set. -- I think the United States Postal Service should change it’s color from blue to purple.
Word(s) of the day: GELATINOUS GOO
Lexie log: Lexie got a hold of the platform cherry flip flops that Jan gave me from her Vegas trip. She has never worn flip flops before, the one time I tried to get her to try them on, she was tired and had a fit. She just put these babies on and started clopping around the house in them. Half a foot taller and a big ’ol smile on her face. Time to try some her own size. On the phone with her and Daddy at lunch, she had them on again.
Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, date stamps, beads, bunny rabbits, camping, weekends, generosity.
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