Thursday, September 22, 2005

Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o. Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o-o-o-o. Fee, fie, fiddle-e-i-o. Strumming on the old banjo.

Well, looks like the new season of LOST will be good.  Great first episode.  -- Now we are looking at camping at Ft. Stevens next Memorial Day.  Should be awesome.  We’ll have to break out the mountain bikes.  We’ll bring Lexie’s tricycle, but in the mean time we’re going to keep our eye out for a good deal on a bike trailer for her to ride in.  I think she’d really enjoy that, and it might help us get back out on our bikes (since we really can’t go without her now).  

Word(s) of the day:  LIBERACE’S CHILD

Lexie log:  She loves her new horse stick rider thingy. (Thanks Carrie)  She galloped around the house all evening, begging me to continually make the horse gallop noise with my hands and legs.  – Also, she really does love this Stitch toy from McDonald’s we got a couple weeks back.  She lost it at Albertson’s yesterday, and I had (well, not had, but ….) to go see if I could get another last night.  I drove up to McDonalds at 8:33pm and went inside.  The lady behind the counter (Heather) first looked in all the happy meal boxes, then went into some back room where the drive through clerks are stationed.  She came back with the ‘last one’.  She said that the lady who she changes shift for always keeps the very last toy, “…just in case.”  So, Lexie got back her current favorite toy.  I like it too.

Today I’m grateful for Frank and Lexie, LOST, good friends, turkey burgers a la Keller, humor, Heather and the clerk who saves the last toy, water, and stickers.

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