Yipee, It"s Wednesday.
After listening to some excersize advice, the workout routine has changed somewhat. Workout days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. Routine is 45 minutes on the treadmill, or bike if no treadmills available, on Monday and Thursday. Tuesday and Friday are weight/resistance training. Each workout still ends with the steam room, sauna, jacuzzi. And guess what! Wednesday is nap day!
Yipee, It's Wednesday.
Other than that, slightly bored. Well, not really bored since I'm busy enough with work, but just, kinda, not really fond of working my aged accounts. Ho Hum. La-Ti-Da.
Word(s) of the day: MAGNIFICENT
Try to use the word of the day in a meaningful sentence three times a day. It's fun.
Oh, and feel free to submit any word ideas to me. I'll even try to use them in a sentence in my blog.
Previous WODs (Words of the day) that got left out of previous blogs:
PLETHERA (hi Tracy!)
It's possible to have two songs stuck in your head at the exact same time. Right now, I can clearly hear Frank Sinatra singing "Fly me to the Moon", and at the same time, the commercial theme song for Meow Mix is in the background. Weird huh? And there is no radio on in the office. Maybe there should be.
"Hi, my name is 'blahdiblah" and I have a question about a bill I received." I hear that alot. Then I usually say, "Can you give me the account number from the statment? It's in the upper right hand corner, in red, and starts 001." Then it goes on to, "Hold on a sec...Oh, there it is" or maybe, "Well, my wife has the statement at home, " in which case I ask, "How do you spell the patient's last name?" Then I pull up the account, veryify mailing address for security purposes, check the balance, tell them what it is and jump to the screen that shows where the balance is from. Most commonly, their insurance has left them some coinsurance amount to pay and yada yada yada. I note the account of what took place on the call and tell the caller to have a MAGNIFICENT day as we hang up the phone. Yeah.
This is about 2% of what I do here at work. It's my second least favorite thing to do. Why, you ask? Because phone calls potentially generate drawn-out, involved research that sometimes ends up with (or starts with) and angry patient blaming you for something that 99.99% of the time wasn't your fault. Luckily, this does not happen very often, most of the calls are simple, but just the sheer chance that it could happen makes it my second least favorite responsibility. My least favorite thing is pulling fee tickets and EOB'S. I loathe our filing system, all paper, no scanning yet. If I have to research a payment summary (EOB) or Dr.s fee ticket, I have to hunt it down in one of the numerous filing cabinets. Yuck, don't like it. Put it off, if I can. My favorite thing to do is post payments to accounts. I like batchwork. Well, except for the correspondence that comes with it. The mail from insurance companies is sorted and I my accounts in a batch of paper rubber-banded in a work drawer. It is sorted by bill type (insurance company) and all the non-payment correspondence mail is separated from the payments. First I research, call on, resolve, note the accounts for all the correspondence (corr). Then I post insurance payments to patient accounts in a line item fashion. Also, I work aged accounts (no payment received after a month, or longer) from a report. This is what I am doing today, and I'm bored of it. I mail out some claims, do some report writer and data analysis stuff occasional, work on some special projects, work on the annual fee schedule research, and a whole lotta udder stuph.
Strange. For some odd reason yesterday I decided to date stamp the tread of my Sketcher sneakers three times. I said it was to see how long it lasted. I just decided to check on it, and they're gone, but there are some dried up shell pastas stuck there from last night's "disaster". I was trying to lift Lexie's highchair, ever so slightly, over a vacuum cleaner cord when the plastic deally that holds the tray on popped of, the tray crashed to the floor with all the corn and alfredo shells and cheese. Then, silly me, I re-attached it temporarily using the one good plastic deally to hold the tray on, refilled Lexie's bowels, and wheeled her out to the hall, where she immediately proved that one plastic deally isn't enough and sent the tray, with freshly refilled food upon it, to the hall floor. Oh, she wailed! She had already sampled both the corn and the pasta, and was intent on consuming it. After much cleaning and fussing about how to fix the darned thing, we finally got it re-assembled and Lexie got her dindin.
Then, a little, tiny screw came out of the bottom of the refrigerator door hingy thing, and we (Frank and I) played "Twister" trying to get the stupid thing back in. Akward angles, big enough space inbetween door and fridge for the screwdriver handle, but not big enough for the screwdriver handle and the hand handling it. Oh well, another mission accomplished and the rest of the evening is a piece of cake. Well I wish it was cake, but it was more like green beans, potatoe, and chicken.
Lexie log: She can sit and spin on her sit and spin for over a half an hour sometimes. Oh! Daddy gave her her first hair cut this weekend. Well, he just cut off the ends, but her hair looks a lot better, not so fly-away, wispy ends anymore. And, of course, no bangs. Daddy does not want her to have bangs so we are constantly trying to pull her hair out of her face. Then she is constantly pulling out whatever barrette or clip is holding it out of her face. The she is constantly pushing her hair out from in front of her eyes, and we start the process over. Did I mention that she can't stand to have her hair combed? She dislikes it enough that when she sees Daddy pull his comb out of his back pocket, she yells, "no no no no!" and runs away. We recently decided that this new "comb reaction" is quite useful when you want to dissuade her doing something. I have gotten her to let me brush her hair at length and in peace a few times, but she has to be feeling pretty generous.
Today I am grateful for Frank and Lexie, nap day, teamwork, children's movies, humor, and cats.