Thursday, January 06, 2005

January 6, 2005 Lunch break

I am bored at work at lunch. I work at Broadway Medical Clinic in the business office. I post insurance payments to patient accounts, answer phones, create reports for administration, and do some occasional IT support (which I hate!) I love computers, well at least software, and thought that I would someday have an IT job. My parents put me through Tech school (Have I mentioned yet how much I love and adore my parents?). I have an Associates in Computer Networking and Technology Systems from ITT Tech. I would probably be a decent IT gal except for two problems; I don't enjoy certain aspects of the work, and I hate/don't understand hardware. I like to mess with software applications, and I don't like hardware troubleshooting. I guess I would rather create things than fix them. So, the help desk portion of IT is frustrating and troubling for me. That's OK though! I am almost completely over the minute layer of pseudo-guilt at having had my education fully scholarshiped a-la Mom and Dad only to remain working in the Health Care industry, and not even on the clinical side. You know why? I do. It's because I'm still happy, relatively healthy, and enjoy my job. My family is far from financially stable, but what would being rich accomplish if I hated what I did every day. Ok, ok, so I've rambled on about my vocational thoughts at this time, and my lunch break is over. This is fun! Today I am grateful for Frank, Alexis, my cats, my parents, my job, coffee, human spell-checkers, co-workers (not just cuz' I know you're going to read this Carrie!), high thread-count sheets, reclining couches, watching movies with Frank, and all the colors of the rainbow.

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