Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sunshine on my Shoulders...

♬♩♪  Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy….  ♬♩♪

So far it's kind of quiet and somber here at the office this morning. I mean quiet and somber in a humorous way, as we just received notice via our monthly employee flyer, "The Buzz", advising us to behave ourselves. No kidding! A small reminder from the employee handbook on self-conduct that instructs us that..."Employees are asked to conduct themselves in a quiet, friendly and interested manner at all times. Obscene, abusive language, malicious gossip, spreading rumors, fighting with, threatening, intimidating, or coercing fellow employees on premises are not acceptable behaviors." No children...Behave! So funny! I wonder what prompted this reminder.

Word(s) of the day: FLAMINGO SOUP
Close runner up; MISSY ELLIOT

If I wiggle my tongue back and forth really fast, touching the insides of my bottom teeth, it makes the sound of a helicopter off in the distance in my head. Grammar anyone?

Lemon headache. Someone used too much biological odor eliminator in the room of rest. Now windows are open, fans spinning, lips flapping, sinuses burning, head aching. General consensus is that the contracted workers are causing some noticeable olfactory violations in our areas as of late. Hmmmmm. Lemons in my eyes will make me cry.

Oh well, off to work again.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, people supporting tsunami victims through donations and prayers, sit and spins, comedy, prevacid, office sound effects crew, and Neopets gossip.

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