Thursday, January 20, 2005

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

Grammar issue. For some strange reason, I can't remember the rule for where to put punctuation when using quotation marks or parenthesis. I don't just mean right now either. I mean I can never remember! I have a distant memory of Dad explaining it to me, but I can't seem to convince myself into believing what I remember. Do you put the comma inside the ending quotation mark? What about if the quote ends the sentence? Thank God that is the most troubling dilemma I have to deal with at the moment!

Word(s) of the day: THICKET

Yesterday I noticed that both grandmothers were not so subtly hinting that they would be more than happy to watch Lexie if Frank and I wanted to go out for dinnet for our anniversary. When I think about it, we do almost everything as a family. Maybe we should go see a movie soon. I remember that when I was going nightly (six nights a week) to the gym, I felt like I never got to see her enough. I have to find the balance with how often to go. So far, three days a week seems to be a great place to start. 30 minutes on the bike, 30 on the treadmill, 10 minutes in the sauna, three las in the pool, 10 minutes in the steam room, and 10 minutes in the Jacuzzi leaves 20 minutes dressing room time. The time limit for the day care is two hours.

I'm getting a bunch of work done today. My batches are all caught up and my accounts receivable 180 days is under 5% for all four accounts. I did bring this down quite a bit over the last couple of months. Sorry CLT.

Right now, I'm on the phone with Frank while I type this. He's watching the president Bush motorcade go to the inaguration, and we're talking about all the protestors in the crowds. The crowd started chanting something, and Lexie starts chanting, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry," like on the Jerry Springer show. Funny.

Lexie log: Lexie loves to sing, and I love it when she sings. When I called home on my morning break, she was singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," and it was so very precious. Last night Lexie sat on my lap as we watched "Elmo's Favorite Song," and she bopped around in my lap to the music. Later on, we blew bubbles in the office. I am the family champion at largest bubble. At bed time, she wanted very much for me to crawl into her little bed with her and couldn't understand why I wouldn't. It was a little sad. And of course, when I woke up in the middle of the night, she was sleeping in the middle of our bed.

Today I'm grateful for Frank and Lexie, nice people, music, potatoes, and weekends.

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